There's always something going on in our four parishes. Our regular pattern of worship each month is augmented with special services, social events, fêtes, fairs, study events, quiet days, musical events and much more.
Saturday 14th December, 10.30-11.15am
Bratton Church
Every Saturday morning of Advent, we are holding a series of Advent activities for families with younger children.
Sunday 15th December, 2-5pm
Erlestoke Church
Learn traditional crafts, help decorate the church Christmas Tree. Jelly and cakes, mulled wine and mince pies. Interested? Email Judy:
Tuesday 17th December, 2.30-4pm
Bratton Church Institute
A festive special with Bratton School Choir - please come along for a delicious tea and cakes and good company.
Tuesdays, 2pm
Contact Marie, 830505 for details.
Thursdays, 10.30am, Bratton Church Institute
In the garden if dry or the hall if wet.
Do come along and bring your friends.
1st & 3rd Monday each month, 7.30pm
Anne Ilsley's house
1st & 3rd Wednesday each month, 2.30pm
Maggie Atterbury's or Robin Wilson's house
An opportunity to read through the Bible, in a small group with an informal discussion - using the Swedish Method of Bible study.
New members welcome at any time.
First Saturday each month
09.00 Venue varies
Contact Clive 07939 277813